
Your Natural Orchid

Cultivating with respect for nature

Every grower wants to cultivate plants as efficiently as possible, and Stolk Flora is no different. But we do not strive for efficiency at any cost. We want to make a better world. Of course this is ambitious,
we know that it will be hard work, and we know that we can never be perfect. It’s about a mentality; a sustainable mentality.

Our vision of sustainability

We grow together with nature

We try to follow nature as closely as possible in the cultivation of our orchids. We use organic fertilizers and other products, which are good for the plants, but good for bees too. The result is a ‘natural orchid’. We have been awarded various certification marks for organic cultivation.

Want to know more about our certification marks?

We look after our employees

Our employees are our best asset, which is why we treat them with respect. We want our employees to enjoy their work. We give them responsibility and opportunities to develop. And of course, as a responsible employer, we ensure a safe and healthy workplace and working conditions.

Meet our team

We take care of our natural resources

We use energy and water sparingly. During the summer we store heat under the ground which we use to heat our greenhouses in the winter. We also generate our own sustainable energy. In fact, every year we provide our excess electricity to 3000 households in the neighbourhood. All the rainwater we collect to help our plants grow is 100% recycled and all the other materials used in the nursery are completely recycled too, whether it’s plastic pots or organic waste.

Want to know more about our vision?

Enjoy! Stolk Flora

See our product range for our current selection or contact us now.